Dr. Tiffany T. Butler - "The Pain Doctor"
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A Curvy Spine is a Strong Spine

"The Pain Doctor" | Baltimore Chiropractor

A Curvy Spine is a Strong Spine

By: Dr. Tiffany T. Butler | March 20, 2023 | Read Time: 5 minutes

The spine has an “S” shaped curve that is the result of its primary and secondary curves. When viewing the spine from the front or back, the spine should be straight. If it deviates to the left or right, it assumes an abnormal curve, a condition known as scoliosis. Next, observe the spine from the side, the spine should have an “S” shaped curve. The curves of the spine function to evenly distribute the weight of the body and gravity; without placing unnecessary stress on the bone, joints, and soft tissues.

Primary Curves

The primary curve is developed in utero when the baby is in a fetal-like position. The primary curve is located in the thoracic spine curve (e.g., mid-back region).

Secondary Curves

The secondary curves are developed during the “tummy time” when the baby is laying on its stomach and uses her hands and arms to lift her head up. The development of the cervical spine curve (e.g., neck curve)is when the baby must lift the head up, and rotate the head from left to right. These movements, allow the eyes to maintain position against the horizon. Furthermore, this trains the brain to know when the eyes are in the head and the eyes are in the horizontal position.

The development of the lumbar spine curve (e.g., lower back curve), is when the baby begins to go up on the hands and knees and begins to crawl. This position, allows the belly to drop towards the floor, and with the assistance of gravity, pulls the lumbar spine forward.

Abnormal Development of Spinal Curve

Any deviation from the normal spinal position can result in a curvature of the spine, including:

  • Lordosis (increase in the cervical or lumbar curve)
  • Kyphosis (increase in the thoracic curve)
  • Scoliosis (abnormal curvature of the spine)

Abnormal curvature of the spine can lead to neck and/or back pain, decreased flexibility, restricted movement, and more. The spine becomes structurally weakened when it is not in a normal position. Click the link to learn why having an abnormal posture can cause pain and health problems.

Dr. Tiffany T. Butler (aka “The Pain Doctor”) is a chiropractor, author, and entrepreneur. She leads Harmonious Living Chiropractic: Fitness & Wellness Center, a pain management practice, in offering healthcare solutions that focus on patient-centered care. Her team consists of individuals who are passionate about improving patient outcomes by providing chiropractic care, in conjunction with therapeutic procedures. Their services have helped hundreds of people find pain relief and improved their quality of life. To learn more about Dr. Butler visit https://www.drtiffanybutler.com/dr-butler/ Connect with Dr. Butler on social media #drtiffanybutler @drtiffanybutler

Dr. Tiffany T. Butler | Chiropractor | Pain Relief | Pain Management | Back Pain | Whiplash Injury | Car Accident | Workers Compensation Injury | CBD

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